Enough with the sketchy, sweaty hair!

So, unless you have been living in a cave, you know that beards have come back in style and everyone from celebrities to to accountants are rocking them (Fun side note, if you have been living in a cave for some time, chances are you would be very in style if you came out right now.  Good for you man.)  Now, my stance has always been, “do what you want” and I think guys have every right to express their own personal style including with stuff they grow on their face eg. warts, acne and beards.  I even like some manly scruff.  However, i saw something super icky while driving to work the other day, a man jogging down the side of the road with his hair blowing in the wind and big drops of sweat dripping down his long, nasty beard.  I was in fact scarred.

Moral of the story is, if it’s long enough to need to keep in a ponytail to facilitate running, it’s probably too long.

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